Voter Approved Climate Bond Funds in Action

Land Acquisition and Conservation Projects Made Possible By Voter Approved Bonds

Santa Margarita River Trail Preserve
California Proposition 68
Voter approved funds: $10 million 
The 1,384-acre Santa Margarita River Trail Preserve is part of the vulnerable South Coast Ecoregion and is recognized as one of the Earth’s 25 global hotspots of threatened biodiversity. Acquired in 2016 using $10 million in voter approved funds, Wildlands stewardship helps to protect many of the 70 species of special concern found in the region, including the federally endangered least Bell’s vireo, southwestern willow flycatcher, and arroyo toad. Voted the number one trail of the best 50 trails in San Diego County, the preserve receives frequent visitors year-round for hiking, mountain biking and equestrian use.

Whitewater Preserve
California Proposition 84
Voter approved funds:  $1.75 million
Gateway to the Sand to Snow National Monument, Whitewater Preserve offers miles of hiking trails — including the Canyon View Loop trail which intersects with the Pacific Crest Trail — free camping, picnic areas, outdoor education, and more.

The initial acquisition totaled 320 acres and was made possible by $1.75 million in voter approved funds. Now encompassing 2,246 acres, Whitewater Preserve features the Wild and Scenic Whitewater River flowing through a desert canyon which is home to a robust population of bighorn sheep, deer and bear, serving as an important wildlife corridor between the San Bernardino and San Jacinto Mountains. Rich riparian habitat hosts the endangered southwestern willow flycatcher and least Bell’s vireo.

The initial 320-acre acquisition was made possible by $1.75 million in voter approved bond funds that were contributed by the Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy. Friends of the Desert Mountains transferred the 320-acre property to The Wildlands Conservancy and holds a conservation easement on 291 acres.

Beaver Valley Headwaters Preserve
California Proposition 1
Voter approved funds: $2.85 million
The 6,094-acre Beaver Valley Headwaters Preserve in Northern California protects two-and-a-half miles of the East Fork Scott River, providing critical habitat for Coho salmon, king salmon, and steelhead trout. Recognizing the opportunities for ecological restoration, streamflow enhancement, and conservation outcomes, Wildlands acquired this ranch in 2021 using $2.85 million dollars of voter approved funds.

Eel River Canyon Preserve
Voter approved funds: $7 million 
Eel River Canyon Preserve is part of The Wildlands Conservancy’s Eel River Emerald Necklace project, a landscape-level conservation project that protects over 75 mammal species and over 400 bird species found in the watershed. Given its location along the Grand Canyon of the National Wild and Scenic Eel River, where the river carves its way through a deep and wild gorge, the Preserve provides a strategic access point to the envisioned 320-mile Great Redwood Trail. Phase 1 of Wildlands Eel River Canyon Preserve was completed in 2019 using $7 million dollars of voter approved funds.

Santa Ana River Trail & Parkway
Voter approved funds: Over $50 million

The Wildlands Conservancy began promoting a Santa Ana River Renaissance in 1998, reviving the vision of a continuous 110-mile trail along Southern California’s largest river. In advocating for access to nature for underserved and marginalized communities along the Santa Ana River, Wildlands has helped secure over $50 million in voter approved funds to complete the trail and parkway, build local parks, and restore the delicate web of life along the river.


Speaking Springs Preserve as a Threshold Preserve


Meet Sonoma Coast Preserve Steward, Quinn Whisman