Whitewater Preserve » Latino Conservation Week


July 15 - 23, 2023

¡BIENVENIDOS a Latino Conservation Week at Whitewater Preserve!

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Latino Conservation Week (Disfrutando y Conservando Nuestra Tierra) is an annual initiative created by the Hispanic Access Foundation aimed at empowering the Latino community to participate in the conservation of our natural resources and to encourage the community to get outdoors. Here at Whitewater Preserve, we are participating in LCW as part of our ongoing effort to offer opportunities for the local Latino community to get to know their home environment, and provide a safe and inclusive space for all to connect with the natural world. 

The Wildlands Conservancy’s Whitewater Preserve is located in the Western part of the Coachella Valley. The  Latino community makes up about 51% of the Valley’s residents. We, at Whitewater, want to make sure all our local residents can find solace and joy in their natural environments. Whether through a hike into the public lands further up the canyon, or a day spent playing and exploring in the Whitewater River, the Whitewater Preserve is an incredible place for the Latino community to connect with each other and nature.

Join us and many community partners for a diverse range of activities and events throughout the week! From guided walks that focus on wellness to admiring the artistry and cultural significance of traditional Aztec dance, there is something for everyone to enjoy. Some events require registration. More information can be found below.


Pajaritos and Cafecito

Saturday, July 15
9:00 - 11:00 am

Juegos en el Park

Sunday, July 16
10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Celebrate the importance of conservation with our Bilingual Birding Day! Join us in the morning for a guided bird walk into our special wildlife refuge area. Learn from a knowledgeable spanish-speaking ornithologist while also enjoying the calming sounds and sites of the preserve. Afterward stick around for some cafecito and delicioso pan dulce!

No prior birding experience needed! Binoculars recommended, but not required. Several binoculars available to borrow. We will meet in our parking lot. No sign up required!

Wellness Walk
Conectando con la Tierra

Friday, July 21
5:30 - 7:30 pm

Enjoying the outdoors isn’t all about hitting the trails. Have fun disconnecting from technology and reconnecting with nature while playing outdoor games that are enjoyable for the whole family! Join our naturalists in playing games like Parque Loteria, Water World, Match that Scat and Track and more!

Games will be at the preserve’s southern park area weather permitting.

Enjoy a beautiful summer evening on nature walk though the preserve! We extend a warm and heartfelt welcome to our esteemed partners, Latino Outdoors, who will be leading us on an incredible wellness walk. We are thrilled to embark on this journey with them, as we spend time connecting with nuestra Madre Tierra while exploring the importance and benefits of spending time in nature! Learn more about how the local plants and animals help keep us healthy and whole, and ways we can give back to keep nature healthy and whole as well. Afterward enjoy a nice cup of coffee or tea and some panecito!

This will be an easy walk, all ability levels are welcome! ADA accommodations provided. Registration required.

Danza Azteca Citlaltonac

Saturday, July 22
12:00 - 1:00 pm

We are thrilled to present Danza Azteca Citlaltonac, a Mexican indigenous ceremonial group and non-profit organization based in the eastern coachella valley. Their work focuses on Preservation, Education, Advocacy and Mental health through workshops, including Ceremonial Dancing, Drumming, Traditional Medicine, Storytelling, Music, Poetry, Arts and Crafts, and Talking Indigenous Circles! Step into a world of rhythm, color, and symbolism, where each movement tells a story and each beat echoes the spirit of the Mexica people. We invite you to come and be captivated by the awe-inspiring performance of Danza Azteca Citlaltonac who will transport you to a world of beauty, tradition, and cultural richness!

No Registration required.

Latinos in Conservation
After-Hours Meet & Greet

Sunday, July 23
5:30 - 8:00 pm

Spend the evening with us connecting with local Latinxs conservation professionals and experiencing the beauty of Whitewater Preserve after-hours! Meet Latinxs in our community working to protect the health and beauty of our Madre Tierra under the cool embrace of the Cottonwood trees. They will share about their journey to this work and about their organizations and the opportunities available to get involved. Be prepared to go on a short nature walk, so you not only connect with professionals protecting nature, but also with the beauty of the nature preserve at sunset. This is a great opportunity for anyone interested in a career in the outdoors or conservation to connect directly with local professionals!


As we enjoy a fun week Disfrutando y Conservando Nuestra Tierra remember to “Leave No Huellas!”

This short film was created in collaboration with Latino Outdoor Inland Empire and The Wildlands Conservancy's Whitewater Preserve. This film features some important "Leave No Trace Principles" that help us all #recreateresponsibly.

There are 7 Principles of Leave No Trace that provide easy to follow guidelines to help minimize our impact when visiting the outdoors.

For more information about the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics.