Saving Beauty In Your Backyard

Sara Seburn

Marketing and Communications Director

The Wildlands Conservancy


The wildfires consuming California this summer are not only devastating the unique Beauty of the state, they are also releasing record amounts of carbon dioxide into the air, contributing to further climate disruption.

How can you help offset the damaging effects of these wildfires? Plant a tree! Trees that are planted in urban settings are safer from wildfire than those in the forest and have a higher success rate after planting because they can be tended to.

A typical hardwood tree like an oak can sequester up to a ton of carbon by the time it reaches 40 years old! Other species of trees can be great for sequestering carbon too, including the deciduous California sycamore (Platanus racemosa).

For more information about planting native trees to help offset the effects of California's devastating wildfires, contact your local nursery, or ask a Wildlands ranger on your next visit to a preserve.


Saving the Beauty of a quiet forest